姓名: 林燕玲 Name: LIM LILY

職銜 Academic title
理大-貝爾英語中心副主任 Deputy Director of MPU-Bell Centre of English
照片 Photo

電郵 Email: llim@mpu.edu.mo

辦公室電話 Tel: 3160 辦公室Office: 明德樓 (MENG TAK)-3/F, M308
Rua de Luís Gonzaga Gomes, Macau, China

學歷 Academic qualifications

個人簡介 Biography

Dr. Lim has a PhD and Masters Degree in Applied Linguistics from the University of Queensland (Australia), another Masters Degree in Software Engineering and BA in Business Information Technology from the University of Macao, a Postgraduate Diploma in Estudos Marítimos (Maritime Studies), Certificate of training techniques from Escola de Tecnologia de Educação e Treino (Grupo No. 2 de Escolas da Armada) and Lisbon Navy Training Institute (Portugal), and Certificate of Chinese-Portuguese Conference Interpreting training for teachers from Comissão Europeia DG SCIC.

She is a researcher and both an interpreting practitioner and trainer of conference interpreters, with experience that extends over more than a decade. She has been the consecutive interpreters and simultaneous interpreters for important meetings and conferences including the Ministerial Conference of the Portuguese Speaking Countries, press conferences of the former Secretary of State Dr. Henry Kissinger, of the UN Under-Secretary General, of the Chief Executive Election, the EU legal training seminar series, and the Global Gaming Management seminar series.

Funded Research Projects 獲資助科研

  • 2021. Interpretação de Convenções e Exposições Chinês-Português 中葡會展口譯
    • Specialized Subsidy Scheme for Chinese and Portuguese Bilingual Talent Training and Cooperation of Education and Research for Macao Higher Education Institutions澳門高等院校中葡人才培訓及教研合作專項資助計劃
  • 2020. Translation of Terminology of Traditional Chinese Medicine: A Corpus-Based Investigation 中醫術語翻譯:基於語料庫之研究
    • Research Grant of Macao Higher Education Institutions高等教育基金資助研究項目
  • 2016. Using corpora to investigate regular patterns in the translation of English affixes (RP-ESLT-01/2016)
    • MPU Research Grant
  • 2012. Individual Legal Vocabulary Organization Bench個人法律詞彙管理平台 (RP/ESLT/01-2012)
    • MPU Research Grant
  • 2005. Contemporary Consecutive Interpreting Curriculum-CI techniques & practice現代口譯教程—CI技巧及實踐 (RP/ESLT-08/2005)
    • MPU Research Grant
  • 2004. Application of computer-assisted workbench for interpreters’ training電腦輔助工作平台於口譯培訓之應用 (RP/ESLT-01/2004)
    • MPU Research Grant

Reviewer for international journal

  • Perspectives
  • HSS Journal
  • Language Sciences
  • Frontiers in Psychology
  • Digital Scholarship in the Humanities
  • The Interpreter and Translator Trainer
  • Computer-assisted Language Learning


  • MPI Teaching Excellence Award 澳門理工優秀教學獎(2016/2017)
  • Numerous coaching awards including:
    • First prize Award of the National FLTRP Cup English Speaking Contest,
    • Best Manner, Best Pronunciation Awards of the National CCTV Cup English Speaking Contest and
    • Excellence Award of the 21st Century English Speaking Contest.

出版 Publications

Books 書籍

  1. Lim, L., & Zhang, C. (2023). Interpretação de Convenções e Exposições Chinês-Português 中葡會展口譯. Macao: Macao Polytechnic University.
  2. Wang, V. X., Lim, L., & Li, D. (Eds.). (2021). New Perspectives on Corpus Translation Studies. Singapore: Springer Singapore.
  3. Lim, L., & Li, D. (Eds.). (Sept 2020). Key Issues in Translation Studies in China: Reflections and New Insights. Singapore: Springer Singapore. https://www.springer.com/gp/book/9789811558641
  4. Lim,  L. (2016). Contemporary interpreting curriculum: CI techniques and practice (現代口譯教程 CI 技巧及實踐). Taipei (臺北): Bookman Books Ltd (書林出版有限公司).

Book Chapter 專書章節

  1. Li, LX, Wang, V. X., & Lim, L. (2023). Reform is a Journey: Conceptualizing China’s reform in the Official News Discourse. In Qi Su, Ge Xu, & Xiaoyan Yang (Eds.), Chinese Lexical Semantics. CLSW 2022 (pp. 170-180). Cham: Springer. (Scopus-indexed)
  2. Chen, X., Wang, V. X., Lim, L., & Huang, CR. (2023). Keywords on COVID-19 Vaccination: An Application of NLP into Macau Netizens’ Social Media Comments. In Vikrant Bhateja, Xin-She Yang, Marta Campos Ferreira, Sandeep Singh Sengar, & Carlos M. Travieso-Gonzalez (Eds.), Evolution in Computational Intelligence (Vol. 370, pp. 125-134). Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore.  (Scopus-indexed)
  3. Lim, L., & Wang, V. X. (2023). The Potential of Using Corpora and Concordance Tools for Language Learning: A Case Study of ‘Interested in (Doing)’ and ‘Interested to (Do)’. In Vikrant Bhateja, Fiona Carroll, João Manuel R. S. Tavares, Sandeep Singh Sengar, & Peter Peer (Eds.), Intelligent Data Engineering and Analytics (Vol. 371, pp. 165-175). Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore.  (Scopus-indexed)
  4. Lim, L. (2021).  A Corpus-based examination of the translation of the suffix -ism into Chinese. In Vincent X. Wang, Lily Lim, & Defeng Li (Eds.), New Perspectives on Corpus Translation Studies (pp. 29-55). Singapore: Springer Singapore.  (Scopus-indexed)
  5. Wang, V. X., Lim, L., & Li, D. (2021). Introduction. In Vincent X. Wang, Lily Lim, & Defeng Li (Eds.), New Perspectives on Corpus Translation Studies (pp. vii-x). Singapore: Springer Singapore.  (Scopus-indexed)
  6. Lim, L. (2020).  Interpreting Training in China: past, present and future. In L. Lim & D. Li  (Eds.), Key Issues in Translation Studies in China: Reflections and New  Insights. Singapore: Springer Singapore.   (Scopus-indexed)
  7. Lim, L. (2020). Introduction. In L. Lim & D. Li  (Eds.), Key Issues in Translation Studies in China: Reflections and New  Insights (pp. vii-ix).. Singapore: Springer Singapore.   (Scopus-indexed)
  8. Wang, V. X., &  Lim, L. (2017). How do translators use web resources? Evidence from the  performance of English-Chinese translators. In D. Kelly (Ed.), Human Issues  in Translation Technology (pp. 63-79). London: Routledge.(Scopus-indexed)
  9. Lim, L. (2015).  Moving from the Language Lab to the Interpreting Booth: Student Perceptions. In  L. Ko & P. Chen (Eds.), Translation and Cross-Cultural Communication  Studies in the Asia Pacific (pp. 351-368). Leiden: Brill|Rodopi. (Scopus-indexed)
  10. 林燕玲. (2013). 語料庫輔助翻譯教學:從文獻到澳門的實踐  (Corpus-assisted translation teaching: From literature to the practice in  Macau). In 高亮 & 陳平 (Eds.), 翻译研究與跨文化交流(pp.  201-217). 臺北:書林出版有限公司 (Bookman Books, Ltd.). 
  11. Lim,  L. (2007). Computer Assisted  Training for Interpreters’ Vocabulary Preparation. In C. Gitsaki (Ed),Language  and Languages: Global and Local Tensions (pp. 271-290). New Castle, UK:  Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Journal articles 期刊文章 (Scopus-index)

  1. Lim., V. X. Wang. (2023), Framing Slogans for Responsible Gambling Campaigns: A Tale of Two Models. Healthcare, 11(20): article no. 2754 [impact factor 2.8] <SSCI, SCIE>
  2. Wang, V. X., Chen, X., Lim, L., & Huang, C-R. (2023). Framing Covid-19 reporting in the Macau Daily News using metaphors and gain/loss prospects: a war for collective gains. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 10(1), 482. doi:10.1057/s41599-023-01994-3 [impact factor 2.731]SSCI, AHCI
  3. Lim, L., Chen, P., & Wang, V. X. (2022). Translating TCM nomenclature into English: A bilingual reference tool needed for clinical practice. European Journal of Integrative Medicine, 102155. doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eujim.2022.102155 [impact factor 2.73] SCI
  4. Lim,  L., & Loi, K. Y. (2015). Evaluating slogan translation from the readers’  perspective: A case study of Macao. Babel, 61(2), 208-303. [impact factor 0.3]《SSCI, AHCI》
  5. Lim,  L. (2014). “Engaging student interpreters in vocabulary building: Web search  with computer workbench.” ReCALL26 (3): 355-373.[Impact factor 4.425]《SSCI》
  6. Lim,  L. (2013). “Examining students’ perceptions of computer-assisted interpreter  training.” The Interpreter and Translator  Trainer 7(1): 71-89.[Impact Factor 1.5]《SSCI,AHCI》

Conference Proceedings 研討會論文

  1. 林燕玲. (2020). 英文字母組建粵語詞的方式與創意. In 澳門語言文化研究 2019:"粵港澳大灣區-語言文化研究新視角"學術研討會論文集. 澳門  (Macao): 澳門理工學院(Macao Polytechnic Institute).
  2. 林燕玲. (2019). 從澳門特色菜譯名剖析語言態度 (Examining language attitude through the translation  of Macau delicacies). In 周荐, 張寶鈞, & 郭龍生 (Eds.), 澳門語言文化研究 2018:"國家意識與語言態度" 學術研討會論文集  (Symposium on  National Identity and Language Attitude) (pp. 227-231). 澳門 (Macao): 澳門理工學院(Macao Polytechnic Institute).
  3. Lim, L. (2019). Are terrorism and kongbu zhuyi translation equivalents? A corpus-based investigation of meaning, structure and  alternative translations. In R. Otoguro, M. Komachi, & T. Ohkuma (Eds.), Proceedings  of the 33rd Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation (pp. 516-523). Future University Hakodate. (Scopus-indexed)
  4. Lim, L. (2018). A  corpus-based study of braised dishes in Chinese-English menus. In S.  Politzer-Ahles, Y.-Y. Hsu, C.-R. Huang, & Y. Yao (Eds.), Proceedings of  the 32nd Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation: 25th  Joint Workshop on Linguistics and Language Processing (pp. 887-892). Hong  Kong: Association for Computational Linguistics. (Scopus-indexed)
  5. 林燕玲. (2018). 智慧城市的語言 (Language and Smart City). In 李向玉.  L. H. Iok) (Ed.), “語言和現代化”學術研討會論文集 (Proceedings of the Symposium on Language and  Modernisation) 2017 (pp. 74-81). 澳門 (Macao): 澳門理工學院(Macao Polytechnic Institute).
  6. 林燕玲. (2017). 澳門醫院口譯服務:探討與規劃 (Interpreting service for Macao hospitals: discussion  and planning). In 李向玉 (Ed.), 澳門語言文化研究 (Studies of Languages and Culture in Macao)(2016) (pp. 347-357). 澳門 (Macao): 澳門理工學院(Macao Polytechnic Institute).
  7. Lim, L. (2014). The  Role of Machine to Interpreting: Tutors or Tools? In W. Baur, B. Eichner, S.  Kalina, N. Keßler, F. Mayer, & J. Ørsted (Eds.), Man vs. Machine? The  Future of Translators, Interpreters and Terminologists (Vol. 1, pp.  232-238). Berlin: BDÜ Fachverlag.
  8. Lim, L. (2010). “Quick numeric conversion method  for student interpreters”, in Proceedings of FIT  Sixth Asian Translators' Forum: Translation and Intercultural Communication:  Past, Present and Future, Macao: University  of Macau, 492-506.
  9. Lim,  L. (2004). A virtual head diagram: a  catalyst to improve the pronunciation of Cantonese learners of English. In Review  and new perspectives: selected papers from the International Conference on  e-Education 2004 (pp. 312-317). Macau Macao Polytechnic Institute.

Conference presentation 研討會發表論文

  1. Lim, L. (2019). Are TERRORISM and kongbu zhuyi  translation equivalents? A corpus-based investigation of meaning, structure and  alternative translations. Paper presented at PACLIC 33, Hong Kong.
  2. Lim, L. (2019). The roles of English alphabet in  Cantonese word construction: evidence from large-scale corpora. Paper  presented at The 28th Joint Workshop on Linguistics and Language Processing,  Tokyo.
  3. Lim, L. (2019). 英文字母組建粵語詞的方式與創意 (Examining the Use  of English Alphabets in Cantonese Words: Types and creativity).  Paper presented at 粵港澳大灣區-語言文化研究新視角學術研討會.
  4. Lim, L. (2018). A corpus-based study of braised  dishes in Chinese-English menus. Paper presented at the PACLIC 32, Hong  Kong.
  5. Lim, L. (2018). 從澳門特色菜譯名剖析語言態度 (Examining language  attitude through the translation of Macau delicacies).  Paper presented at "國家意識與語言態度”學術研討會, 澳門.
  6. Lim, L. (2014). The Role of Machine to Interpreting:  Tutors or Tools? The Man vs. Machine? The Future of Translators,  Interpreters and Terminologists. Berlin, Germany: Freie Universität Berlin,  August 4–6, 2014.
  7. Lim, L. (2014). A Corpus-based examination of the  translation of the suffix -ism into Chinese. The APCLC 2014 Second Asia  Pacific Corpus Linguistics Conference, Hong Kong: Hong Kong Polytechnic  University. March 7-9, 2014.
  8. Wang, V. X., & Lim, L. (2013). Creative writing  in English: Macau college students’ discourse features. The Eighth International  Convention of Asia Scholars (ICAS 8), Macau: University of Macau, June 24-27  2013.
  9. Lim, L. (2011). Moving from language lab to  interpreting booth: students’ perceptions revealed. The International  Conference on Translation and Cross-Cultural Communication. Brisbane, Australia: University of  Queensland, December 1-2, 2011.
  10. Lim, L. (2011). i LeVOB: Individual Legal  Vocabulary Organization Bench. The 10th International Forum on Ethics and  Good Practices, Paris, France: Paris Court (Palais de Justice de Paris). May  17-19, 2011.
  11. Lim, L. (2010). Quick Numeric Conversion Method for  Student Interpreters. Paper presented at the FIT 6th Asian Translators’  Forum: Translation and Intercultural Communication: Past, Present and Future,  Macau: University of Macau, November 6-8, 2010.
  12. Lim, L (2008). An ethnographic examination  of computer-human interaction in vocabulary harvest, International Conference on Anthropology,  interculturality and language learning and  teaching.  Paris, France: Maison des Sciences de l’Homme Paris Nord, December 04-06, 2008.
  13. Lim, L. (2006).  Computer-assisted training for interpreters’ vocabulary preparation, ALAA 2006 International Congress Language and  Languages: Global and Local Tensions. Brisbane, Australia: University of Queensland, July  05-08, 2006.
  14. Lim,  L. (2004). A virtual head diagram: a catalyst to improve the pronunciation of  Cantonese learners of English, e-Education International  Conference 2004. Macao: Macao Polytechnic Institute. Jun 24-25, 2004.

科研興趣 Research interests
  • Lexicology
  • Corpus Linguistics
  • Discourse Analysis
  • TCM and Terminology
  • Framing and persuasive messaging
  • Computer-assisted Language Learning

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研究人員檔案 Researcher Profile